Empire Yacht

Privacy Policy

Protecting Your Privacy at EMPIRE Yacht Charter

At EMPIRE Yacht Charter, we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. This policy outlines how we handle information and data collected when you interact with us, be it through our website or other channels, as well as when you utilize our services. We detail the methods of collection, usage, storage, sharing, and processing of your Personal Data. This policy also outlines your rights regarding your Personal Data, including access and correction rights.

Should you disagree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, we advise refraining from using EMPIRE Yacht Charter’s websites or services. This Privacy Policy is subject to periodic updates, and we recommend reviewing it regularly. “Personal Data” within this policy refers to any information about an identifiable individual protected under applicable Data Protection Laws.

For queries about this Privacy Policy or how we handle your Personal Data, please get in touch with our Data Protection Officer at the provided details in the Data Protection Officer section.

Collection of Your Information

When interacting with EMPIRE Yacht Charter via our website, we may collect Personal Data and other information as described below:

Website Interaction:

We gather Personal Data when you submit forms or engage with our website, such as subscribing to a newsletter or requesting information. This may include your email address, name, and business information. Our website can be explored without providing any Personal Data.

Usage Data:

We collect data about your interaction with our website, potentially through third-party providers, in an unidentified manner. This includes metrics and information about your website usage.

Mobile Access:

When accessing our website through mobile applications, information such as your device model, operating system, or device identifier may be automatically collected.

Usage of Your Information

Service Provision:

We utilize your information to market and promote our services and offerings in line with your communication preferences.

Third Parties:

We may receive and utilize information from third-party service providers, combining it with other data collected for updates and tailoring our website to enhance user experience.

Social Media Features:

Our websites include social media features, such as Facebook ‘like’ buttons. These features, hosted by a third party or directly on our sites, may collect your IP address and set cookies. Interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policies of the respective companies.

Sharing of Information:

We only share your data with third parties upon your consent, except in cases required by law or for safety and fraud investigation.

Data Storage and Security:

We employ various technologies and procedures to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Retention of Personal Data:

We retain Personal Data as necessary for business needs, legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing agreements. Earlier deletion requests can be made to our Data Protection Officer.

Cookies and Similar Technologies:

Our websites use cookies and similar technologies for functionality, performance, analytics, advertising, and social networking. Your rights regarding cookies can be exercised through browser settings or opt-out links.


We partner with third-party ad networks for targeted advertising. You may opt-out of targeted ads through browser settings.

Accessing and Controlling Your Personal Data:

You have the right to access, correct, update, or delete your Personal Data. Withdrawal of consent is possible at any time.

Unsubscribing from Communications:

Unsubscribe from our communications via email links, preference updates, or by contacting our Data Protection Officer.

Data Protection Officer:

For any inquiries about this Privacy Policy or our data handling practices, please get in touch with our Data Protection Officer:

EMPIRE Yacht Charter Data Protection Office